Award-winning singer-songwriter Ginny Owens released her ninth studio album, Love Be The Loudest, amidst acclaim Friday, Nov. 18 on her indie label, Chick Power Music, with The Fuel Music distribution. Collaborating with Mike Weaver (Big Daddy Weave), Ellie Holcomb, Meredith Andrews, All Sons & Daughters and more for the new album, the 5-star, fan acclaimed new music shares a timely message for today’s culture and is available now wherever great Christian music is sold.
Working for the first time with well-known producers Rusty Varenkamp (TobyMac, MIKESCHAIR, Jason Gray), Chad Copelin (Ben Rector, All Sons & Daughters) and Josh Bronleewe (We Are Messengers, Natalie Grant), Owens’ Love Be The Loudest moves into new musical territory, combining her signature, thoughtfully-crafted lyrics with pop and electronic dance music.
The night before her album released, Owens and band shared many of the new songs during a special Facebook Live Stream Release Event from Nashville, as well as performed several Love Be The Loudest songs on JUCE LIVE Nashville during release day. This event originating from JUCE’s Nashville-area studios was televised live and then rebroadcast on TBN the next night.
Love Be The Loudest also premiere-streamed at NewReleaseToday.com while CCM Magazinepremiered Owens’ “The Loudest Voice” lyric video and JesusFreakHideout.com named her as “Artist of the Week.” With additional coverage forthcoming from Focus on the Family’s “The Boundless Show,” “Life with Purpose Radio” and Leading Hearts, Simple Grace and CCM magazines, here is how the critics are responding to the new album:
“It’s apparent from the very beginning that even though Ginny Owens is new to the pop scene, she can write great pop songs. It’s even more apparent that she has the vocal talent to go toe-to-toe with the best in the entire music industry, and though this is nothing new to longtime Owens listeners, her powerhouse voice together with such well-crafted and thought-provoking songs is a potent combination. The production is top-notch throughout…the album is one of the best offerings of 2016.” – NewReleaseToday.com (4.5 Star Review) “Love be the Loudest by Ginny Owens is such a pleasant surprise…Experimenting doesn’t always produce such terrific results. It should win her new fans and yet be appreciated by those who have followed her over the years.” – The Phantom Tollbooth “The timing of Love Be The Loudest could not be more relevant to our world in this time. Every song reminds listeners of the love God has for us, and points us all to take action to show this love to others. Owens’ music and lyrics are a shout of hope into the darkness.” – The Christian Beat (4.5 Star review) “Love Be The Loudest tunes out the drama and amplifies our need for a Savior, sending out a homing signal for our hearts to follow all the way to the cross. Owens presses the pause and reset buttons simultaneously, filling our minds with peace and purpose.” – Today’s Christian Entertainment For all the latest Ginny Owens album, news and tour details, go to http://ginnyowens.com/, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. |